necessity and application of AI technology in the landscape sector

necessity and application of AI technology in the landscape sector
発表者/presenter’s name:〇Tomoka Maeda 1,Shuichi Murakami 1
所属/Affiliation:1 University of Shiga Prefecture


Today, institutions and initiatives in landscape conservation and planning are highly individualistic and we must solve current status as soon as possible.

On the other hand, the use of “artificial intelligence” in various fields has recently increased. Although it has some issues, understanding the problems and the benefits of its use can help to develop the landscape sector. In this research, to provide a foothold for practical use of artificial intelligence by analyzing the effects of its application in other fields and examining the expected effects when replacing it with the landscape field.

First, I conducted effects analysis of 49 AI-powered cases in 10 fields and arranged the data in a table. According to this, four positive effects that “Reduce the workload”, “Help a decision”, “accuracy improvement” and “Shot of working hours” are especially found in other fields. Second, I conducted thought how artificial intelligence can be used in the landscape sector and how benefits be gained from them. I thought we can use AI-power as color evaluation, identification of tree hollowing or cross-cutting of sensitivity assessment and numerical assessment of regulatory content. As the result, two effects that “accuracy improvement” and “visualization of forecasts” are expected.

Here I show that using artificial intelligence in some fields especially have four effects that “Reduce the workload”, “Help a decision”, “accuracy improvement” and “Shot of working hours”. In addition to that, “Improve creativity” can be also expected in landscape field.

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