Accessibility analysis expansion plan of senior-friendly parks: Focus on Seoul neighborhood park

Accessibility analysis expansion plan of senior-friendly parks: Focus on Seoul neighborhood park
発表者/presenter’s name:〇Yaoxue, Li 1
所属/Affiliation:1 Department of Landscape Architecture,University of Seoul, South Korea


Korea entered an aging society (with 14% or more of the population aged 65) in 2018 and is expected to enter a super-aged society (with 20% or more of the population aged 65) by 2025. As a result, the demand for activity spaces for the older adults is increasing, and it is particularly important to build “senior-friendly parks” that are conducive to elderly activities and social interaction. However, due to the high density of construction in Seoul, it has become particularly difficult to select sites for senior-friendly parks. Especially in the old districts of Seoul.

In previous studies, most of the analyses were conducted using de facro population data. To obtain more accurate results, we conducted a hotspot analysis using the actual residential population data of Seoul City provided by communication companies. This analysis helped identify dense areas with a higher population of elderly residents, primarily in the old urban areas of Jung-gu.Subsequently, we conducted a comprehensive analysis of park service areas in Seoul, which was crucial for selecting optimal locations for senior-parks. Previous studies relied on the buffer zone analysis method to determine service area boundaries, but this approach tends to overanalyze the boundaries. To ensure greater accuracy, this study utilized a road network benchmark network to analyze the parks in Seoul.

The analysis revealed that older urban areas have fewer parks compared to planner urban areas(Yangcheon-gu), leading to an underserved status in terms of park accessibility. In contrast, the newer urban areas have been planned and rebuilt, resulting in ample green spaces available for residents. On the contrary, the high population density within the old urban area severely hampers the accessibility and service area of the parks. Therefore, constructing senior-friendly parks within the old urban area not only provides spaces for activities and social interaction for the older adults but also improves the overall park accessibility in the old district.

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