Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) Approach: Shanghai Hongkou River Case

Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) Approach: Shanghai Hongkou River Case
発表者/presenter’s name:〇Li Meng 1
所属/Affiliation:1 Graduate School of Landscape Architecture, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea


Historic cities, repositories of unique cultural identities, are increasingly threatened by modern urbanization. This paper explores the challenge of preserving these invaluable cultural and historic landscapes in the midst of urban redevelopment. The introduction of the Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) concept marks a significant milestone in urban planning, emphasizing not only the physical elements of urban history, but also its socio-cultural significance. HUL advocates a holistic and sustainable approach to urban reuse, actively involving communities in preserving and enhancing the identity of residents.

This study explores the preservation and use of the historic landscape resources of the Shanghai Hongkou River Area, guided by the HUL approach and methodology. It focuses on achieving a delicate balance between preserving historic landscapes and meeting the development needs of contemporary cities, ultimately promoting sustainable growth in the Hongkou River Area and providing valuable insights for the revitalization of historic cities worldwide.

The Hongkou River case study illustrates that despite the challenges posed by historic urban areas, the judicious application of the HUL approach, rooted in the assessment of historic resources and values, can lead to more efficient and accurate preservation and use of these landscapes. This, in turn, opens up opportunities for urban development. The HUL approach provides a comprehensive framework for achieving a harmonious balance between development and conservation. Implementing the six steps of the HUL approach facilitates the creation of a comprehensive, effective, and tailored planning and design strategy that serves as the cornerstone for achieving this balance in historic cities. This approach provides a framework and sets priorities to ensure that the preservation and use of historic landscapes remain central to urban development agendas.

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