How to Redevelop Urban Green Space for Super-Aging Society: Case Studies of Public-Private Partnerships in Japan and Italy

How to Redevelop Urban Green Space for Super-Aging Society: Case Studies of Public-Private Partnerships in Japan and Italy
発表者/presenter’s name:〇Takahiro Yamazaki 1,Akiko Iida 1,Claudia Cassatella 2,Makoto Yokohari 1
所属/Affiliation:1 The University of Tokyo,2 Politecnico di Torino

Countries with “super-aging societies” face the challenge of maintaining and renewing large amounts of infrastructure with limited financial resources. Among infrastructures, urban green space is expected to play an important role in supporting the health and well-being of the older generations and needs to be redeveloped to meet the needs of users. This study aims to propose a framework for systematizing the redevelopment methods of urban green space through public-private partnerships, using Japan and Italy, which have the world’s highest and second-highest rates of aging population, as models. As a result, we were able to classify the methods of redevelopment of urban green space through public-private partnerships into six types. The methods are based on whether the public or private sector is providing leadership at three levels: (1) land ownership, (2) redevelopment sector, and (3) management sector, excluding cases where all levels are by public sectors or by private sectors. For example, in Japan, the Park-PFI system and the Citizen’s Green Space Certification System were introduced in 2017. The former is a strategy where (1) a public sector owns the land and (2,3) a private sector implements spatial redevelopment and management, and the latter is a strategy where (1) a private sector owns the land, (2) a private sector implement redevelopment, and (3) a private sector manage it. Which public-private partnership strategy adopted is based on site and area conditions. This study can be used as a reference to illuminate the way forward for landscape strategies to address the increasingly serious “super-aging society”.

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