Research on the visual characteristics of Urban Agricultural Land in Fuchu City, Tokyo

Research on the visual characteristics of Urban Agricultural Land in Fuchu City, Tokyo
発表者/presenter’s name:〇Li, Fupeng 1
所属/Affiliation:1 Kogakuin University


I have designed a visual analysis model using Rhinoceros for 3D modeling and Grasshopper for generating “visible space volumes.” This analysis model allows measuring the visible space volume perceivable by the human eye and quantifying the proportion of green spaces within urban areas. Through this method, I aim to elucidate the role of urban agricultural land in urban landscapes.

① **Spatial Volume Analysis:**

Through spatial volume analysis, I am examining the spatial characteristics of urban agricultural land. Typically, the difference between “vertical greenery,” such as trees along streets and gardens adjacent to roads, and “horizontal greenery,” like farmlands and lawns, is expressed in terms of specific visible surface area, known as “green view index.” However, this method does not reflect the distance to the objects or the sense of openness. By utilizing spatial volume analysis, I am quantifying and comparing “vertical greenery” and “horizontal greenery,” considering the distance to the observer and the sense of openness. This approach allows a more comprehensive analysis of the spatial and visual characteristics of agricultural spaces.

② **Impact of Urban Agricultural Land on Urban Landscape:**

Building upon the ①, I am investigating the impact of decreasing urban agricultural land on urban landscapes. I am analyzing how the transformation of existing agricultural land into other uses affects the overall appearance of urban spaces. By understanding how changes in land use influence the urban landscape, I aim to reveal the role of urban agricultural land in shaping the cityscape.

Through these analyses, I aspire to shed light on the evolving role of urban agricultural land in the context of urban aesthetics and provide valuable insights into the changing urban landscape.

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