Accuracy and effectiveness of automatic detection of Kasumi levee

Accuracy and effectiveness of automatic detection of Kasumi levee
発表者/presenter’s name:〇Soya Mamiya 1,Shuichi Murakami 1
所属/Affiliation:1 The University of Shiga Prefecture, School of Environmental Science


Kasumi-tei, a type of discontinuous levee, has recently garnered attention as a vital element in watershed flood management. The primary aim of this research was to establish a methodology for automatically detecting Kasumi-tei in various regions using elevation maps provided by the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan. In this study, we focused on the Kurobe River and Joganji River in Toyama Prefecture, areas known for their fan-shaped topography and abundant presence of Kasumi-tei. Utilizing Python, we identified the location of Kasumi-tei based on two criteria: 1) distinguishing the contour of embankments from elevation data, and 2) pinpointing adjacent embankments where no river exists in between. We then compared these results with determinations based on satellite imagery to validate the accuracy of our detection methodology.

The findings revealed that even with a relatively simple code and minimal conditions, Kasumi-tei detection could be achieved with a reasonable degree of accuracy. However, challenges arose, such as the potential misidentification of road embankments as Kasumi-tei structures.

Previous studies predominantly focused on identifying flood-prone areas using maps, leaving a notable gap in research specifically dedicated to levees like Kasumi-tei. We are confident that our research can provide fresh insights into flood control strategies and methods for utilizing map data, making a significant contribution to the domains of water management and map data application.

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