“MSW-Scape Regeneration Mechanisms”: A Case Study of 23 Special Administrative Wards of Tokyo, Japan

 “MSW-Scape Regeneration Mechanisms”: A Case Study of 23 Special Administrative Wards of Tokyo, Japan
発表者/presenter’s name:〇Yuxin Wang 1,Xiaodi Zheng 1 2
所属/Affiliation: 1 Department of Landscape Architecture, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
2 Key Laboratory of Urban-Rural Eco Planning & Green Building (Tsinghua University), Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China


In recent years, in the process of rapid urbanization in Asia cities, the relationship between municipal solid waste (MSW) disposal infrastructures and urban built-up areas has become increasingly close, making these infrastructures to be a kind of “urban landscape”. The park-oriented reuse of closed landfills, superposition of public spaces and deindustrialization designed for MSW disposal sites (such as waste incineration plants and transfer stations) have been favored recently because of their positive benefits such as optimizing urban space configuration, mitigating NIMBY effect and improving microclimate. The regeneration from a pure MSW disposal infrastructure into a more “socially-ecologically” sustainable “MSW-Scape” requires not only space-making approaches, but also specific mechanisms. Based on the typical urban practices worldwide, the “MSW-Scape Regeneration Mechanisms” (MRM) describing the process is summarized and constructed for an overall recognition. With the case study of the 23 Special Administrative Wards of Tokyo in Japan, the regeneration mechanisms of the “MSW-Scape” within the city are summarized and interpreted. And it provides inspiration for other Asian metropolises in making tools and policies to stimulate an efficient and sufficient regeneration of the local “MSW-Scape”.

Funding: National Key Research and Development Program of China (No.2020YFC1807505) “Research on Contaminated Sites Risk Management Mechanics and Economic Policy Technical System” 

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