Vegetation Management Based on Spontaneous Plants: Local Perceptions and Promising Approaches

Vegetation Management Based on Spontaneous Plants: Local Perceptions and Promising Approaches
発表者/presenter’s name:〇Mingyuan LIU 1,Toru TERADA 1
所属/Affiliation:1 Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo

Japanese urban areas are suffering from significant population loss, and a significant portion of vacant lands remain under-utilized. On these vacant lands, plants that successfully colonize and self-sustain without human intervention are called urban spontaneous vegetation (USV). Managing USV to enhance its ecological and social value has become a potential strategy for urban vegetation management. The ecological function of USV sometimes can be invisible, and people’s preferences for vegetation can be influenced by psychological needs. To improve vegetation using the original spontaneous plants, transforming USV into visually recognizable forms and exploring people’s preferences are essential. This research aims to find promising approaches to vegetation management based on spontaneous plants by improving USV through various levels of maintenance and exploring local perceptions towards different management. The experiment will be conducted on vacant land (35◦87′N, 139◦98′E) near Kashiwa City Office. Trimming, selective weeding, introducing chopped plants, and adding nursery seedlings are four methods to reach different maintenance ratings: (1) treatment A, original USV; (2) treatment B, original USV, and trimming; (3) treatment C, selective weeding, trimming, and introducing chopped plants; (4) treatment D, selective weeding, trimming, introducing chopped plants, and adding nursery seedlings. During the USV improvement experiment, the number of species, abundance & cover, and grouping of the species for four treatments will be recorded. Online questionnaires will be conducted to observe people’s perceptions towards different treatments from different aspects and explore residents’ attitudes to this new kind of greening in public spaces. Combining the results of the USV improvement experiment and perception surveys, this research hopes to provide promising methods of utilizing USV to maintain urban vegetation based on local preferences.

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